VLC Streaming

To set up live video streaming using VLC, you can use the built-in streaming features. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Streaming from a Webcam or Capture Device:

  1. Open VLC Media Player:
    • Make sure you have VLC installed on your computer.
  2. Navigate to Media > Open Capture Device:
    • Open VLC.
    • Go to "Media" in the menu bar.
    • Select "Open Capture Device."
  3. Set Capture Mode:
    • In the "Capture mode" dropdown, select "DirectShow" if you're using a Windows device and "Video for Linux" if you're on Linux.
  4. Choose Capture Device:
    • In the "Video device name" dropdown, select your webcam or capture device.
  5. Adjust Settings (Optional):
    • Click on the "Advanced options" checkbox to adjust video and audio settings if needed.
  6. Click "Play":
    • Click the "Play" button to start capturing video from your webcam or capture device.

Setting Up Streaming:

  1. Navigate to Media > Stream:
    • Go to "Media" in the menu bar.
    • Select "Stream."
  2. Choose Source:
    • In the "Open Media" dialog, select the "Capture device" tab.
    • In the "Capture mode" dropdown, choose "DirectShow" or "Video for Linux" based on your earlier selection.
  3. Select Your Capture Device:
    • Choose your webcam or capture device from the "Video device name" dropdown.
  4. Click "Stream":
    • After selecting your device, click the "Stream" button.
  5. Set Destination:
    • In the "Destination" section, choose "RTP/MPEG transport stream."
    • Click "Add" to add the destination address. You can use an IP address and port number for streaming.
  6. Adjust Options (Optional):
    • You can click on the "Next" button to adjust additional streaming options like transcoding, caching, and more.
  7. Click "Stream":
    • Once configured, click the "Stream" button.
  8. Start Broadcasting:
    • VLC will start streaming the video. The destination you specified will receive the stream.

Receiving the Stream:

  • To view the stream on another device, open VLC on that device.
  • Go to "Media" > "Open Network Stream."
  • Enter the network address you set up in the streaming configuration.
  • Please note that this is a basic setup, and you might need to adjust settings based on your specific requirements and network configurations. Additionally, ensure that firewalls and network settings allow for streaming between devices.